IAS continues to be the first choice for career aspirants in India. Every year, around four to five lakh candidates apply for the coveted civil services exam. Starting 2011, it will be CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) in place of the present preliminary exam. Those who clear CSAT will be eligible for the main exam followed by the interview. Considering the revised syllabus and the new pattern of the IAS preliminary exam, here are a few pointers which may help you crack the IAS exam. Mantra 1: The thirst to excel and to keep your vision alive is important. Mantra 2: A clear focus and a practical roadmap till the prelims on June 12, 2011 are imperative. A precise plan on what to study each day is likely to work best. Mantra 3: First, study each topic from the IAS Prelims Magic Book, followed by the NCERT book along with other reference books. Further, continue noting down important points from the other recommended text books. Mantra 4: Make sure you read newspapers. Also, note down l...