The Civil Services Exams commonly known as IAS exam are the most highly respected jobs in india and are said to be the most difficult exams of the world, a wrong conception. This is the most interesting competetive exams and manageble if planned and targetted well........ if u have aim for this, surely you win this, what it needs is a planning and motivationa and hardwork...............Here i shall be venturing to provide some tips for cracking IAS ....... We shall start with mains exams since the pre is in transition stage from 2011.. IAS mains exams: Only those who are declared by the Commission to have qualified in the Preliminary Examination in a year, are eligible for the Main examination of that year, provided they are otherwise eligible for the Main Examination. Civil Services Main examination has two optional subjects (two papers each carries 300 marks), one General Studies (two papers each carries 300 marks), one essay (carries 200 marks) - total 2000 marks. Other than this, ...